Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Article Review: "What is Successful Technology Integration?"

"What Is Successful Technology Integration?" Edutopia. 05 Nov. 2007. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.

One of the greatest challenges that many teachers face when taking their first few steps on the seemingly unconquerable journey to technology integration is answering the simple question of - where do I start? Even those teachers that consider themselves to be relatively “techie” as compared to their peers can become overwhelmed with the immensity of options when trying to infuse technology into their instruction and curriculum. published an article that serves as a valuable resource for teachers that are facing this dilemma.
This article published Edutopia’s entitled “What is Successful Technology Integration” offers a clear and specific set of criteria that teachers can use to guide their transition to a technology-rich classroom. According to the article, successful technology integration is based on transparency, accessibility, and connection to curricular goals. With that said, the article also acknowledges that the use of technology can vary greatly from classroom to classroom based on factors such as financial resources and teacher familiarity. But regardless of the type or frequency of technology used, there are several key tasks that signify successful technology integration. According to the article, the true value of integrating technology in the classroom is evidenced through access to primary sources, collecting and tracking data, collaborating with others  from around the world, expressing ideas through multimedia, allowing for authentic assessment, and sharing their new knowledge.
The article goes on to suggest ways that teachers can integrate technology into their curriculum and instruction, including blended classroom, social media, project-based activities and game-based learning and assessment.

This article serves as a valuable resource for teachers that are looking to incorporate technology into their instruction. Also, it is applicable to teachers of varying familiarity with technology. For many teachers, the challenge of adapting to a technology-centered instructional approach is to avoid using technology simply for the sake of progress. Instead, this article provides specific and purposeful recommendations for using technology to support curricular goals in unique and engaging ways. But the greatest feature of this article (which I believe also highlights the great benefits of technology) is that nearly every topic covered, every suggestion for technology integration and every suggested framework for technology integration include links to additional articles and resources that teachers can use to expand their knowledge of best practices of technology integration.

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